Manitobans may soon have some reprieve from the wintery weather and freezing temperatures.
Beloved groundhog puppet Manitoba Merv didn’t see his shadow Sunday morning when he popped out at Oak Hammock Marsh, signaling an early spring.
“Merv came out this morning at sunrise … he looked around for a little while. He did not see his shadow. So we do have an early spring on the horizon for Manitoba,” said Jacques Bourgeois, a spokesperson for Oak Hammock Marsh Wetland Discovery Centre.
Of course, the forecast is relative in a province known for its blistering blizzards and cold winters.
As for the rest of Canada, predictions were split. Ontario’s Wiarton Willie didn’t see his shadow, but Nova Scotia’s Shubenacadie Sam and Lucy the Lobster, as well as Quebec’s Fred la Marmotte all predicted six more weeks of winter. Punxsutawney Phil in Pennsylvania also saw his shadow.
Regardless of the results, spring officially kicks off on March 20.