Manitoba landlords could soon have to provide financial support to tenants who are forced to vacate due to safety reasons.
On Wednesday, the Manitoba government tabled a bill requiring landlords to pay the rent and moving costs when their tenants are displaced by a vacate order.
This legislation comes after 250 residents were forced out of Birchwood Terrace, located on Portage Avenue, in May of 2024. The building was abruptly evacuated due to the deterioration of steel columns in the parkade.
In December, the City of Winnipeg said it issued owner Ladco a full occupancy permit.
CTV News Winnipeg previously reported the province paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in hotel costs for Birchwood Terrace residents.
In a statement, Public Service Delivery Minister Mintu Sandu said what happened at Birchwood Terrace was distressing for its residents. He added the province wants to protect people from this happening in the future.
- With files from CTV’s Jeff Keele.