Colleen Bready has your current conditions and updated weather forecast for March 20, 2025.
Spring has sprung on Thursday in Manitoba and in northwestern Ontario!
The seasons changed at 4:01 a.m. with the arrival of the spring or vernal equinox.
Suitably, Thursday will be the warmest day this week in Winnipeg and the southeast, thanks to a nice influx of mild pacific air.
Daytime highs in the region, including Winnipeg, are forecast to reach 6 C or 7 C in the sunshine or a mix of sun and clouds.
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Spring is in the air Spring is in the air in Fisher Branch (Photo by Dinah Cymbalisty)
Northern Lights Northern lights over Sandy Hook, MB. (Photo by Amanda Lucian)
Molly the Rotti Enjoying the Day Molly the Rotti Enjoying the Day with her little stick on the first day of Spring. (Photo by Bernadette Danyluk)
Birds Hill stables visitors Two female peacocks enjoying the warm sunshine rays at the Birds Hill stables. (Photo by Ilona McEachern)
Newborn calf Mom and her calf Near Hartney, Manitoba (Photo by Dylan Bertholet)
Soon... Now that it's going to be spring the chairs await! (Photo by Maureen Morrish)
Gimli's Viking statue Sunrise at Viking park in Gimli, Manitoba with the Viking statue (Photo by Anna Boundy)
St. Leon morning. Beautiful sunset in St. Leon. (Photo by Diane Simon)
Training in Vita MB Karma and Blondie in training to pull a wagon. (Photo by Ken Gurman)
Roseau River, Mb. Roseau River, Mb. (Photo by Michael Alan)
Waves Cloud formation Waves cloud formation (Photo by Anita Fisher)
The sun setting The sun setting at the end of our street in Stonewall, Manitoba (Photo by Alissa Taylor)
Lynx on the prowl Lynx coming out of the woods (Photo by Vladimir McRae)
'Welcome' to all! 'Welcome' to all! (Photo by Allan Robertson)
Grand Marais Sunset Grand Marais sunset (Photo by Irv Simmonds)
Elm Creek Elm Creek (Photo by Marion Stangl)
Cute calf Cute calf near Dauphin (Photo by Kimberly Robertson)
Total Lunar Eclipse 2025 Blood moon over Mitchell, Manitoba (Photo by Hans Epp)
Blood moon over Petersfield Blood moon over Petersfield (Photo by Lori Taylor)
Blood moon A photo taken of tonight's blood moon. (Photo by Kathryn Massan)
Last snow? Barely enjoying what could be last snowfall? (Photo by Martha Heinrichs)
Aurora and moon Aurora and moon over Knee Lake (Photo by Wayne Boychuk)
Snow owl Snow owl in Carman, MB. (Photo by Oliver Mckay)
Fort Whyte Alive A beautiful morning in Fort Whyte Alive. (Photo by Sonja Ferreira)
First Geese have arrived First Geese have arrived on Sturgeon Creek (Photo by Neil Longmuir)
FortWhyte Alive FortWhyte Alive (Photo by Sonja Ferreira)
Pileated Woodpecker Pileated Woodpecker at Paradise Village, near Ste. Anne, MB. (Photo by Larry Trush)
Nevaeh at Sandy Ridge Stables Nevaeh trying to tell me a secret. (Photo by Kevin Friesen)
Ebb & Flow First Nations Morning at Ebb & Flow First Nations (Photo by Adele Brushett)
Bohemian Waxwing Bohemian Waxwing enjoying European Buckthorn Berries. (Photo by Wade Munro)
Lake Winnipeg Ice Fishing Finn enjoying the warm weather weekend ice fishing on Lake Winnipeg. (Photo by Jamey McMillan)
Killarney Killarney, MB. (Photo by Karen Letts)
Ice road Traveling the ice road today from St Theresa Point to Garden Hill. (Photo by Ashley Ryan Houle)
Northern Lights Northern lights south of Rapid City in Manitoba. (Photo by Tracy Timmer)
Beautiful sunset Along the Red River by Lyndale drive (Photo by Patricia McGhie)
Fog Bow near Dauphin Fog Bow on drive to work this morning near Dauphin. (Photo by Annie Hughes)
Djinn Djinn enjoying the beautiful day Djinn Djinn enjoying the beautiful day in Lydiatt. (Photo by Autumn Robbie-Draward)
Backyard buddy My backyard buddy was smiling with this nice weather today. (Photo by Vince Pahkala)
Beautiful Winnipeg sky Looking out west St. James. (Photo by Debbie Grant)
March sunset Tanker cars and cattails west of Winnipeg in RM of MacDonald. (Photo by Roy Heinrichs)
Clouds in St. Boniface Nice sunny day for a walk (Photo by Paulette Pinsonneault)
Fox on birdbath This little fox curled up on the birdbath and slept for two hours. (Photo by Mary Ellen Yaseniuk)
Very tired fox! Very tired fox! (Photo by Mary Ellen)
Good morning from St. Malo Good morning from St. Malo (Photo by Agnes Gosselin)
Winnipeg’s Weather RADAR near Woodlands, Mb Winnipeg’s Weather RADAR near Woodlands, Mb (Photo by Chris Sims)
Marshs Lake in Spruce Woods Provincial Park Marshs Lake in Spruce Woods Provincial Park (Photo by Ann Lanouette)
The train arrives back in Whyte Ridge from Altona The train arrives back in Whyte Ridge from Altona (Photo by Martha Heinrichs)
Oh Canada Oh Canada (Photo by Crystal Simmons)
Ruffled Grouse Ruffled Grouse (Photo by Tania Kruk)
Berens River Berens River (Photo by Abbygail Eastman)
Sunset over Lake Dauphin Taken this past weekend on Lake Dauphin on a beautiful day. (Photo by Marsha Leclerc)
Train back in Whyte Ridge Train arrives back in Whyte Ridge from Altona just in time for sunset. (Photo by Martha Heinrichs)
La Salle Manitoba horizon Fiery horizon taken in La Salle Manitoba. (Photo by Jon-Paul LeBlanc)
The southwest will see similar sky conditions, but temperatures won’t climb quite as high this afternoon. Many areas should reach 2 C or 3 C, including Brandon and Dauphin.
Spring arrives with clearing skies or a mix of sun and cloud for most northern regions Thursday afternoon, too. Temperatures will remain below freezing.
Pleasant conditions this afternoon will come to an abrupt end late Thursday night, courtesy of strong and gusting north winds along an arctic front passing over southern Manitoba.
The cold north winds clear skies enough over the south to allow temperatures to drop well below normal into the mid-minus teens.
Friday will have a noticeable bite in the air, with strong north winds and cool temperatures well below freezing across the south. On the bright side, the sun will shine over much of Manitoba under a ridge of high pressure.
Then things will change again.
Environment and Climate Change Canada said an Alberta clipper that will develop on Saturday will push a warm front across the Prairies.
According to the weather agency, the low pressure system will have weakened by the time it gets to southern Manitoba later on Saturday. It could bring snow or flurries into Sunday, but most areas shouldn’t get much.