
Colleen Bready’s forecast: Snow on the way to mark St. Patrick’s Day


Colleen Bready has your current conditions and updated weather forecast for March 17, 2025.

On this St. Patrick’s Day, snow will fall on parts of southern Manitoba, while the sun will shine on the north.

A not-so-green Monday afternoon could bring as much as 5 to 10 cm of snowfall to the southwest corner of the province around Melita and Boissevain.

Nearby regions, including Virden, Souris and Killarney, could see up to 5 cm of snow.

Snow is expected in the southwest as far north as Brandon and Minnedosa, while it will stay closer to the international border in the southeast.

Snow will end Monday night for most areas. There is an outside chance a little bit of light snow could clip Winnipeg this evening.

Daytime highs across the south Monday afternoon will remain below freezing, but not by much.

Meanwhile, the week gets off to a sunny start for most of northern Manitoba on Monday, although clouds will take over in the northwest around Lynn Lake and Brochet.

Although the sun will shine on the northeast, strong and gusting winds could cause blowing snow in Churchill.

Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) said a low pressure system forming in Alberta will bring light snow to northern Saskatchewan and Manitoba over the next couple of days. Accumulations will be low.

Monday may be St. Patrick’s Day, but the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is the return of sunshine, light winds and temperatures back up above freezing on Tuesday in Winnipeg.

Much of the week will bring sunshine with temperatures above the normal high of 0 C to the city, peaking Thursday with a forecast high temperature of 7 C.