
Windsor doctor deemed 'incompetent' by regulatory body


Dr. Albert Kadri addresses his suspension from Windsor Regional on Saturday, July 21, 2018. (Ricardo Veneza / CTV Windsor)

A Windsor doctor has been deemed “incompetent” by the College of Physicians and Surgeons (CPSO).

Dr. Albert Kadri will now face a penalty hearing in front of the CPSO.

In a written decision released April 6, a five-member panel found Kadri “engaged in disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional conduct” in his dealings with Windsor Regional staff and its patients.

Kadri is a kidney specialist referred to as a nephrologist.

In 2013, the hospital system in Windsor realigned and shifted renal care to Windsor Regional.

At the time, the hospital changed its “model of care” for how to care for those patients.

According to various documents in the meantime,Kadri did not approve of the change in care and refused to follow them.

By 2018, Kadri has his privileges revoked from WRH and he embarked on a legal battle to have them reinstated.

Efforts that ultimately failed.

Kadri appealed the matter to Ontario’s Superior Court but he lost that effort in 2022.

Between November 2022 and February 2023, the CPSO held another hearing to determine if Kadri’s actions amounted to professional misconduct.

In their 53-page ruling, the discipline panel agreed with CPSO’s allegations.

“Kadri engaged in a campaign of disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional behaviour whereby he deliberately refused to follow the model of care,” the ruling reads. “It is not an acceptable defence to the allegations to assert that his way was the better way.”

The CPSO broke Kadri’s mistakes into four parts:

  • The disruptive conduct with the WRH staff and administrators (which encapsulates several aspects)
  • The communications and advocacy with patients
  • The billing of the CDTF (Chronic Dialysis Team Fee)
  • The recruitment of a junior physician and directions given to that physician

“While he does not admit the allegations against him, Dr. Kadri did not significantly dispute some of the facts in respect of the allegations,” the decision reads. “Dr. Kadri’s deliberate circumvention of the model of care detrimentally affected the care he provided to his patients. Dr. Kadri’s poor judgment in respect of patient care and continuing failure to recognize he did anything wrong resulted in our finding that he is incompetent.”

A penalty hearing will now be scheduled for Kadri.

Kadri self-represented at the hearings and could not be reached for comment.