Windsor city council has reaffirmed its support of a consumption and treatment site (CTS) at 101 Wyandotte Street East.
Council voted 7-4 in favour of a motion brought forward by Ward 2 Coun. Fabio Costante during Monday night’s council meeting to reaffirm its endorsement of the site previously approved for SafePoint to open.
“No delay in opening and no disruption in service,” Costante said in a tweet.
A rally was held in front of city hall Monday afternoon in support of the SafePoint site. The group was looking to show local decision makers that the community is fully behind opening the CTS without delay.
The group pointed to recent opioid overdose alters issued by the health unit as proof the service is needed, despite recent discussions around changing the location.
After the Wyandotte St. location was narrowly approved by a previous council in 2022, downtown Coun. Renaldo Agostino brought the matter back before councillor calling on his colleagues to consider a different site.
Following days of controversy and community push back, Agostino withdrew the motion requesting council to rescind its support of the location for the CTS. Instead, a “compromise” was reached to give the downtown councillor the go-ahead to search for an alternative location.
Rally organizers said if the city can find money for amenities like Bright Lights, it can find funding for potentially life-saving treatment services.
According to documents before council, the health unit has spent more than $775,000 on SafePoint in capital and operating expenses.
More than $550,000 came from the Ministry of Health’s mandatory program funding.
If final provincial funding is not secured by July, Windsor will be obligated to pay $34,000 each month until approval comes through. By the end of the year, Windsor will have to pay just over $170,000 to keep the facility open.
Coun. Agostino is starting the process to find a new location.