The Town of Kingsville is moving forward with the implementation of a full traffic signal in front of Erie Migration District School.
Last summer, council approved a motion that the controlled pedestrian crosswalk (PXO) near the elementary side of the school be upgraded to a pedestrian traffic signal (IPS) for the safety of the students.
At Monday’s meeting, council voted to move forward with the installation of a full traffic signal at the intersection of Woodycrest Ave and Jasperson Drive, which is located on the secondary side of the school.
Coun. Sheri Lowrie says parents had cause for concern for their children’s safety in that area.
“I do know that that road is busy at those particular times of day when the school is coming into session and leaving, and so we really needed to address that,” she said. “Based on the traffic engineers report, it made sense to give that added value of customer service with a full traffic light, so I’m glad that our kids are going to be safe while they’re leaving the school.”
According to Lowri, the current PXO equipment will be sent to storage.
“We’re going to reevaluate what are some of those other crosswalks that could still value being able to use that flashing signal stop, but for right now we don’t know exactly where it’s going to go, so let’s just put in storage where we identify the best place,” she added.
Administration believes the project could take up to a full year to complete and will paid for through development charges.
“I believe the full traffic signal was a higher expense, probably in the range of $400,000, but again, doing it right on the first attempt is the best way to go to get the best investment,” said Lowri.
— Dustin Coffman/AM800 News