
Graduating high school? $55,000 in scholarships up for grabs in Windsor-Essex


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The WindsorEssex Community Foundation (WECF) has released the list of 11 scholarship opportunities for students entering post-secondary education.

The scholarships – from a wide range of businesses, charities and local families – are open now for students thinking of entering everything from law enforcement to the skilled trades.

“The ongoing concern about affordability underscores the importance of scholarship opportunities in making higher education more accessible for local students,” WECF officials said.

Here is the list of scholarships:

Constable John Atkinson Memorial Scholarship

Available to students pursuing a career in law enforcement.

Father Matt Sheedy Scholarship

Eligible to graduating students from Assumption College Catholic High School pursuing post-secondary education in a health-related field.

Gale & Irene (Knister) Taylor Scholarship

Available to graduates from Tilbury District High School and Belle River District High School.

Harding Electric/Morris and Ruth Harding Memorial Scholarship

Open to apprentice electricians preparing for their Journeyperson or Master Electrician examination.

Joel W. Jones Family Memorial Scholarship

Open to graduating secondary school students pursuing post-secondary education in the skilled trades.

LaSalle Community Fund Scholarship

This scholarship is open to graduates of St. Thomas of Villanova Secondary School and Sandwich Secondary School who are pursuing post-secondary education. Applicants must also be residents of the Town of LaSalle.

Kolody Family Memorial Scholarship

Open to graduating students who are immigrants to Canada or first-generation children of immigrants. Applicants must demonstrate a strong balance of academic achievement and community involvement, which may include participation in sports, athletics, or employment.

Larry Welsh Memorial Scholarship

Available to a Westview Freedom Academy graduate, pursuing post-secondary education.

Michael G. Solcz Scholarship

Open to graduating secondary school students pursuing post-secondary education in the skilled trades.

Randy Cheadle Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is available to students pursuing careers in the arts or sciences.

Shawn Boxe Memorial Scholarship

Available to a Vincent Massey High School graduate, pursuing post-secondary education.

Click here for the links to apply.