Windsor-Tecumseh MP Irek Kusmierczyk announced funding on Friday that could help Transit Windsor.
“We are delivering $28 million for Transit Windsor to help modernize Transit Windsor,” Kusmierczyk told local media Friday morning.
It’s a commitment of $2.8 million dollars a year, from the Canada Public Transit Fund for 10 years, starting in 2026.
In the fine print, the city would have to sign an agreement to allow high density apartments to be built near high frequency transit lines and post-secondary institutions.
A plan also must be submitted.
“This program, I think, is largely consistent with the housing solutions made for Windsor that council has already endorsed, so I don’t think we’re going to see significant challenges on that front in terms of moving forward.” said city councillor Kieran McKenzie, who was on hand to support Kusmierczyk’s announcement.
The funding cannot be used for operational needs and won’t save the tunnel bus or school busses. It will help improve tangible needs.
“We’re going to be having discussions around the hoist capacity that we have and our capacity to do the maintenance that’s required to keep our busses rolling, then certainly the garage needs a number of different improvements,” said McKenzie, who would like to see some of the money used to buy more bus shelters.
“When you’re standing around waiting, especially on Sundays when the busses are tithes frequent as they are, then you’re just standing out there in the elements for almost an hour sometimes,” said rider Celine Doig.
A basic bus shelter costs around $10,000, while a top-of-the-line model can go for up to $150,000 with solar panels, an information display, Wi-Fi and charging stations.
Riders would also like the city to upgrade Transit’s tracking app, which many feel isn’t very good.
“We have another app also, but if they have their personal app, that would be beneficial for them and for the city.” said Alisha, who was waiting for a bus at the downtown terminal.
The proposal is expected to go to the Transit board, then city council, sometime this spring.