Despite water restrictions, a house in Surrey’s Fraser Heights neighbourhood has a lush-looking lawn – but it’s not because the owners ran their sprinklers illegally.
Instead they hired a company to paint their parched brown grass green.
CTV News was there when Tyler Basham mixed water with non-toxic paint, and then strapped spraying equipment onto his back lawn.
“I work with the homeowner. We choose the shade of green that they like,” said Basham of Tinted Turf Grass Solutions.
“Some homeowners want a deeper shade of green, or like an emerald green, others want more of that natural look,” he said.
His supplier owns the Canadian rights to the paint, and told CTV News there’s never been this much demand for the product.
“People who don’t want to waste water are looking for alternatives,” said Nicole Lundy of Lawn Lift Canada.
“I’ve honestly had my busiest year yet,” she said.
Used often in Hollywood when shooting movies, and common on properties in California, lawn painting is becoming increasingly popular in Canada.
Realtors who list properties in the summer months like it because it gives homes a curb appeal.
Dog owner who have brown spots on their lawns find it useful too.
“We can come in, and we can fix up those brown spots,” said Basham.
Just like painting a house, people can choose to do it themselves, or hire a professional.
Once dry, the paint won’t wash away in the rain.
But when new grass begins to grow, and lawns are mowed again, it will slowly be chopped away.
Basham figured the lawn he treated Tuesday has the potential to retain its new colour through the summer.
Professional painting of a small lot costs about $200 dollars whereas a larger property can cost roughly $1,000.