
Convicted B.C. trafficker won’t be allowed unescorted absences from prison


On Jan. 7, 2025, an angry Reza Moazami walked out on his parole board hearing after his request to adjourn it was denied.

A convicted trafficker who walked out on his parole board hearing earlier this month has been denied unescorted temporary absences from prison.

Reza Moazami, now 40, is serving a lengthy sentence for dozens of crimes after he became the first person in B.C. to be convicted of human trafficking in 2014. His victims were between 14 and 19 years old.

Moazami wanted outings from prison to go visit his mother, but became angry during his Jan. 7 parole board hearing and walked out.

In denying Moazami’s request for unescorted leaves, the parole board noted a 2022 psychological assessment that found he remains a high risk to re-offend violently.

“While this (Psychological Risk Assessment) is now more than two years old it still offers insights that stand the test of time because they are based on historical observations or patterns of behaviour,” the decision from the parole board reads.

“The board concludes it is your risk of general violence and intimate partner violence that present your greatest risk,” according to the decision.

The board also noted Moazami’s refusal to participate in recommended programming.

“You have offered various excuses for this including undertaking an appeal,” the board decisions reads.

These excuses include, “acting on the advice of your lawyer; not wanting to take a seat from someone who could use it; suffering from uncontrollable eye twitches; asking for and not receiving information about how programming will help you,” according to the decision.

The parole board also reviewed Moazami’s institutional behavior, noting that he had been a “direct instigator in over 30 incidents and been found guilty of over 20 institutional charges. Mainly, there have been issues with you having excess food in your cell and with being non-compliant with staff direction.”