
Bow wow! Vancouver poodle statue causes a stir


CTV BC: Pricey poodle draws criticism As the city of Vancouver faces a cash crunch, a pricy pooch on a pedestal has people in the city scratching their heads.

A pricey pooch on a pedestal has people in Vancouver scratching their heads.

Dubbed “The Main Street Poodle,” a new public art installation at Main Street and 17th Avenue is part of a larger public art project that costs just shy of $100,000.

The seven-foot tall porcelain dog statue, which sits high atop a 25-foot thick black pole, was put there by local and federal governments, as well as TransLink.

The poodle has inspired a Twitter handle, @MainStPoodle, full of quips about the perched canine.

“Can’t decide on whether to look haughty or imperious today. Will just go with goofy (again),” a post Thursday read.

The sculpture – officially called Untitled (Poodle) -- is the creation of Montreal artist Gisele Amantea, who spends time on B.C.'s Gulf Islands. She was one of three artists chosen to participate in a public art project on Main Street called 88 Blocks – Art on Main.

Apparently the canine art was inspired by a bus journey along Main Street taken by the artist in 2007.

The regal poodle is just one of four pieces of art in the Main Street art plan. There’s also a giant hot-pink, knitted poodle cozy that wraps one of the public buses in the busy transit corridor.

Vancouver has more than 300 pieces of public art.

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