There have been more reports of a Bitcoin extortion scam seeking to exploit viewers of "adult content" in B.C.'s Lower Mainland, according to the RCMP.
Five such extortion attempts were reported in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows over the course of three days, authorities said in a public warning Thursday.
In a news release, Ridge Meadows RCMP said the targets received either an email or physical letter stating the recipient had been "looking at adult content online" and that "malware has captured compromising photos" of them doing so.
The scammers will provide an image of the target's home, captured on Google Street View, along with additional personal information, then demand a $2,000 payment in Bitcoin.
People targeted in these extortion attempts should "immediately stop all communication" and "deactivate (but don't delete)" any accounts used to message with the criminals, the Ridge Meadows RCMP said in a news release.
"Do not comply with the threat," the RCMP added. "Never pay money and never send additional nudes. The situation will not get better by doing either of these things."
Those who have already made a payment to a scammer should check to see if the money has been collected, and if not, attempt to cancel the transaction as quickly as possible.
Thursday's warning came just one day after a similar alert from Mounties on the North Shore, who said four extortion reports had been received in North Vancouver over a period of two days.
None of the targets who came forward in Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows or North Vancouver complied with the demands, authorities said.
"We are asking residents to exercise caution to avoid falling victim to this scam and report these scams through our online crime reporting tool, or by calling non-emergency," said Ridge Meadows RCMP, in their news release.