A BC Hydro pole was deliberately set on fire in downtown Nanaimo, according to the utility.
Video posted to social media Friday shows flames, small explosions of sparks and thick black smoke coming from the pole and wires as a firetruck arrived on scene Thursday night.
“This was a dangerous act that not only exposed the perpetrators, but the public, first responders and our crews to significant risk,” BC Hydro wrote.
“Firefighters responded quickly and were able to suppress the fire, limiting the damage to just the power pole.”
Power went out briefly in the area as a result, but was restored once repairs were made.
BC Hydro is reminding anyone that a fire involving a power line should be treated as an emergency and reported immediately to 911.
CTV News has reached out to the Nanaimo RCMP for more information and this story will be updated when a response is received.