TORONTO — People living in a Toronto apartment building are sweating out the hot and humid conditions after the air conditioning system broke down nearly three weeks ago.
Brian Laing says the hottest his apartment has reached is 31 degrees.
"Sweating all the time at home, just very uncomfortable working from home," Laing said.
The apartment building located on 125 Neptune Drive is managed by WJ Properties.
In a notice sent to residents on Aug. 9 obtained by CTV News Toronto, the company writes that the air conditioning system is not functioning at full capacity.
"Our contractor has investigated the issue and the necessary parts have been ordered in order to repair the system," the memo says. "Unfortunately, the parts will take approximately 2-3 weeks to arrive and be installed."
"I tried to open the balcony door this morning and after 10 minutes we had to close it because the humidity is too bad," said Danielle Carr, who has since purchased and installed a second air conditioning unit. “My husband has a medical issue right now, so I have to help him."
Environment Canada extended the heat warning for Toronto first issued on Thursday, saying that the extreme temperatures will continue throughout Monday and possibly into the middle of the week.
The national weather agency forecasting humidex values of 36 to 40.
"It's unbearable, you can't breathe," said Paola De Le Fuente, who has since purchased multiple portable fans, but even that is not providing relief.
"I have one in the living room, but in the meantime, I can't put it in the bedroom because the power shuts off – the breaker won't handle another AC."
Officials with WJ Properties say the issue is a broken compressor and they are still waiting for the parts to arrive.
At this point, there is no timeline for when the repairs will begin.
With no immediate relief in the forecast, frustration is mounting among residents and they are running out of patience.
"Are we going to have the AC before we turn everything back to the heat?" Carr said.