
Prince Albert groups push for Steuart Arena re-evaluation


WATCH: The future of the Steuart Arena in Prince Albert, which initially was scheduled to close after the 2025 winter-spring season, may be re-evaluated.

Prince Albert Lacrosse is asking the city to re-evaluate the future of the Steuart Arena, which is scheduled to close following the 2025 winter-spring season.

“We had reached out to them in regards to using it for the summer, and trying to keep it open for lacrosse,” said PA Predators head coach Lucas Wells. “At least for this summer, anyway, and we have yet to hear back from them.”

The new Lake Country Co-op Leisure Centre will open two arenas this year. The city said in a media release that this is expected to add 1,500 hours of prime-time ice, justifying the closure of the old facility.

It also stated that the arena needs a new roof and that with just 124 remaining regional ice booking hours, it is not clear that the demand is there for a fifth city ice surface.

Wells said there is enough demand to justify keeping the arena open. “I believe the city could use another ice surface in the winter. Some renovations to it would make it a tremendous arena.”

Steuart Arena

The City of Prince Albert said it will reach out to the user groups to open further discussion on the issue.

PA Lacrosse also uses the Kinsmen Arena, but Wells said it is not enough to support the size of their program. He said the closure of the Steuart Arena would force them to look for facility space in Melfort and Shellbrook.

“We do have a backup plan, and there are avenues for us,” said Wells. “But it is just nice to keep everything local.”

At this time, the city says the arena is scheduled to cease operating after the 2025 winter and spring season. However, the city is going to evaluate options for the arena’s future, and using it as an ice surface in the future has not been ruled out.

The City of Prince Albert has not responded to CTV’s request for an interview.