
'Life-changing injury': Saskatoon man loses fingertips after cell door shuts on hand at police station


Keaton Adamyk is shown in an undated image. (Courtesy Keaton Adamyk)

Warning: This story contains an image that some readers may find troubling.

A Saskatoon man suffered a life-altering injury after a cell door shut on his hand over the weekend.

Keaton Adamyk, 23, says he remembers little of the incident that left him missing two fingertips on his right hand.

"I just remember waking up in the hospital and my whole fingertip was gone and part of my other fingertip was gone," Adamyk said.

According to a police news release issued following the Oct. 22 incident, Adamyk was arrested for public intoxication and taken to police detention.

Police said he was "resistant to officer commands" and "reached his hand into the path of the closing door."

After he was released from hospital, Adamyk said he headed to Saskatoon police headquarters to see if he had been charged and learn more about how he lost his fingertips.

"I had no idea what happened. The nurse or doctors told me that it happened to me in the cells and I was thinking this shouldn't happen to anybody in the care of police," Adamyk said.

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"[Police] wouldn't give me any information. I asked to see the police report or even try [to] see the footage of when I was in the cells, but they wouldn't let me see any of that."

Adamyk said he wasn't charged in the incident.

"They just took me in to hold me for public intoxication. They were gonna release me in the morning but I guess I just went to the hospital instead."

Adamyk said his fiancé recently died and he's been consuming alcohol to cope.

"I've been down ever since and just been kind of drinking," Adamyk said.

"It's just been really hard for me. I've been, like, self-medicating myself. Not really the right way."

Speaking to CTV News five days after he was injured, Adamyk said he was still in pain and that doctors are recommending physical rehabilitation.

"It feels like a constant burn ... It's really hard for me to fall asleep," he said.

Keaton Adamyk injuries A photo taken shortly after a cell door closed on Keaton Adamyk's hand shows his injuries. (Courtesy Keaton Adamyk)

Adamyk, who lost the tip of his middle finger and half of the tip of his ring finger, worries about what the injuries to his dominant hand might mean for his work prospects.

"I wanted to do construction this upcoming season," Adamyk said.

"It's really hard for me to eat right now. It's hard for me to brush my teeth and do anything simple. So I'm wondering what it would be like to do something (more) challenging. It just kind of gives me anxiety."

In the news release issued following the incident, police said Adamyk sustained "serious, non-life threatening" injuries — a turn of phrase he takes issue with.

"Like, that's a big lie. This is a life-changing injury," Adamyk said.

According to police, a "use of force" report was filed after Adamyk was injured.

In response to a CTV News inquiry on Thursday, a police spokesperson said "the incident is being further reviewed in accordance with policies."