
Regina police aware of 160 apparent drug overdose deaths in 2021


Fatal drug overdose numbers concerning WATCH: In the last 12 months 160 people have died from a drug overdose. Wayne Mantyka reports.

2021 was a record year for drug overdoses in Regina with police reporting 160 apparent deaths over the past year – a 40 per cent spike from 2020.

The Regina Police Service (RPS) said it is aware of 1,800 drug overdoses last year, according to annual crime stats presented on Tuesday.

“That’s not every overdose that happened. There were a lot that would have gone unreported but the number to emergency services, 1,800 in a community our size is extremely high,” RPS Chief Evan Bray said.

The year end numbers were presented at a Board of Police Commissioners meeting. Back in 2018, Regina dealt with 31 overdose deaths, and 21 in 2019. In 2020, there were 111. Another rise this year is a cause for concern for city officials.

“We’re looking for best practices across Canada in terms of what’s working. It’s both complicated and complex,” Regina Mayor Sandra Masters said.

Police attended 341 apparent overdoses in 2021, administering Narcan in 27.

Regina’s All Nations Hope Network said drug overdoses have taken the lives of several of their clients.

As Indigenous people, we know that life is so precious and so important and that spirit that lives in each and every one of us lives in our creator,” Margaret Kisikaw Piyesis, All Nations Hope’s finance and research director, said.

“We want to take care of that spirit so if they are going to use drugs and alcohol throughout the rest of their lifetime, that’s their choice, but we want to make sure that they’re safe and that they have a place and that they’re loved.”

The provincial government points to higher spending to provide addictions treatment, with a goal of adding another 150 spaces over the next three years and continuing expansion of harm reduction services.

The NDP believe more could be done through harm reduction.

“I can’t stress enough that there are solutions to some of these crises. There are not overnight fixes but there’s a lot that we could be doing differently,” Meara Conway, an NDP MLA, said.

December saw the highest monthly total of apparent overdose deaths, with 23.