
‘Educate themselves on treaty’: Indigenous students speak out on URSU health and dental fees


WATCH: Some FNUniv students say URSU has been adding fees to their tuition which don’t align with their treaty rights. Hallee Mandryk explains.

The University of Regina Students' Union (URSU) has received its fair share of criticism in recent months - stemming from its decision to consider defunding several organizations on campus. Now, students at the First Nations University of Canada (FNUniv) are adding their voices to the fray.

“It’s time for them to educate themselves on treaty on, what it means to be a good, treaty relative, because we’re all treaty people. And I think that’s something that has lacked at URSU for a number of years,” current FNUniv Amanda Leader student explained.

Like all students at the university, those enrolled at FNUniv are charged by URSU for a health and dental plan. However, First Nations and Inuit people are provided coverage through the federal government’s Non-Insured Health Benefits Program - as the services are protected within treaty rights.

While students are able to opt out of the plan prior to a certain date, Leader shared that many students are unaware the charges have even been added to their fees.

“They are things that we as Indigenous people can exercise because it’s our right,” Leader said.

“When we’re charged these things from URSU without knowledge that we’re being charged ... I’ve spoken with students who don’t even haven’t even heard of it ... it’s very sad that there is not a greater relationship between the two.”

Leader shared that the lack of communication between the student’s union and those at FNUniv may be a result of URSU’s Indigenous student representative seat being vacant for the past three years.

“Their brand new election results came out and of course, there’s nobody in the Indigenous student seat, and there hasn’t been for years,” Leader added.

“That seat, I think is quite daunting when it’s one seat alone on the board ... when a seat is being dormant, left with nobody to fill it for years, it’s something that needs to be looked at.”

Style Stenberg currently attends the U of R and served as a member of URSU’s board in the past.

“The student movement prides itself on being diverse and equitable, which is fantastic. I think a look at the makeup of the board and of the executive and of administration tells a different story,” Stenberg said.

The former board member shared that he saw a lack of effort when it came to recruiting students for the seats that saw less interest.

Adding concerns that the current circle of URSU members are not interested in venturing out to seek those representatives.

“When you have groups of folks with special interests, in order to get those special interests pushed through, you want to surround yourself with like minded folks. That’s when we start to see lack of diversity and true, honest, grassroots diversity,” Stenberg explained.

“I’m sure that there are folks that tap friends, and I’m positive that that administration does go out and try and find people to run. Are they doing it honestly? You know, with a positive mindset? Are they doing that to really find the right candidate or are they finding the candidates that are going to satisfy the status quo?” Stenberg asked.

The results of the recent URSU election reflect that several seats remain vacant.

Stenberg highlighted that a disproportionate number of elected URSU members are international students, which has left many of the domestic students feeling underrepresented.

“I understand that there needs to be more support for international students. But if we were able to engage the domestic student population, we would have a different URSU with a different voice ... more of a tapestry and less of a soliloquy ... so finding that balance of - how do we ensure that all student voices are engaged, not just the few.”

Stenberg shared that the growing concerns among students are warranted, and it has been promising to see more eyes focused on university politics.

While there is currently a petition to completely dissolve URSU, Stenberg shared that there are other solutions to the growing concerns.

“I think it needs a reset. It’s like we need to push the on/off button on a computer and just get it to reboot,” he added. “I think a part of that reset is a governance review to make sure that proper representation is being sought after and folks at the table are qualified and also there for the right reasons.”

While Leader has opted out of URSU’s health and dental plan, she still has many unanswered questions regarding why the charge was added to her student fees in the first place.

“Its very concerning that we’re having to pay for something that our ancestors had paid for time and time again in the past to get to get us to where we are today,” she said.

“Then for us to be excluded further here from student unions who are supposed to be for students is egregious.”