The federal government struck a deal with the City of Regina on Monday to build 25 new affordable housing units.
The deal will be Ottawa’s second rapid housing partnership in a city where 700 provincially owned housing units sit vacant.
Construction has now started on this federal rapid housing project on Broad Street. It will provide supportive living for the hard to house. Now, a second partnership has been struck with the city, this time for affordable housing units.
“Folks who need housing the most, the most vulnerable members of our community can get the housing that’s they need so that they build the life that they deserve,” said Ahmed Hussan, federal minister of housing.
The latest deal will see at least 25 housing units constructed at a location yet to be determined.
“Deeply affordable homes contribute to the overall impact on addressing the needs of the marginalized citizens within our community,” said Regina Mayor Sandra Masters.
The federal government is working with the city to add more affordable housing to a rental market where 700 provincially owned housing units vacant. Perry Barber questions why people like him remain homeless.
“Let them live there. Get them off the street. Get them out of the system. They don’t. They just leave it boarded up and the houses just sit there still,” he said.
The provincial government had no comment on Ottawa’s decision to add more affordable housing but had noted in the past that Ottawa now tends to make some housing decisions in consultation with the city.