
10-year-old Cote First Nation girl inspires ribbon skirt social media movement


Cote First Nation girl inspires social media movement WATCH: A girl from the Cote First Nation has inspired a social media movement, centred around Indigenous ribbon skirts. Hafsa Arif explains.

KAMSACK, SASK. — A girl from the Cote First Nation inspired a social media movement encouraging Indigenous women and girls to wear traditional ribbon skits.

Ribbon skirts are a traditional symbol of the strength, resilience and sacredness of the Indigenous women who wear them.

The movement stems from an alleged incident at Kamsack Comprehensive Institute, where 10-year-old Isabella Kulak said a staff member shamed her for wearing her ribbon skirt on “formal day.”

Isabella’s parents said they were hurt by the alleged incident, adding they are extremely proud of their Indigenous heritage and culture.

“We noticed that she was pretty sad and not being herself. And then it was later in evening that she finally kind of opened up to me and told me what had happened. And it absolutely broke my heart." Lana Kulak, Isabella’s mother, said.

Lana’s sister posted about the alleged incident on social media and since then, women around the world have been posting photos of themselves wearing their ribbon skirts in support of Isabella and her choice to wear hers.

"It’s been a little overwhelming but also very, very positive very supporting in a tough year to have so many people reach out with their hearts to us from all corners of the earth." Chris Kulak, Isabella’s father, said.

On Jan. 4, the family and a few friends intend to walk with Isabella while wearing their ribbon skirts.

" We want to be involved in reconciliation and resolving these long lasting long standing racial issues in our schools, in our hospitals, and our police forces. It is something everyone needs to work on, and they need to start right now,” Chris said.