
Students at Upper Canada District School Board facing possible suspensions for incomplete immunization records


Source: Jacob Wackerhausen/iStock via Getty Images Plus. (Jacob Wackerhausen/Getty Images)

More than 3,000 students in the Upper Canada District School Board are facing a possible suspension for having incomplete immunization records.

The South East Health Unit says suspension orders for students born in 2008 and 2017 in the board will be mailed out on Monday. The orders for students in Junior Kindergarten (born in 2020) will be placed in the student’s backpack.

The 20-day suspension period for students will begin on March 26 if they still have incomplete immunization records.

“Having up-to-date immunization records inform us of vaccine coverage rates (those that have protection against these diseases), which allows public health to act swiftly to prevent additional cases should cases of a communicable disease occur in the school setting,” the health unit said.

“The suspension from school is for up to 20 school days, starting on the date stated in the notice.”

The South East Health Unit says the suspension will be rescinded by public health when one of the following requirements is met by parents/guardians:

  • Provide a record of immunization using the Health Unit online portal. The health unit requires a copy of an official immunization record from a health care provider.
  • Provide the health unit with a statement of medical exemption to exempt the student from immunization requirements.
  • Provide the health unit with a statement of conscience or religious belief affidavit to exempt the student from immunization requirements. Questions regarding the process should be submitted to
  • Submit proof of a booked immunization appointment to provide the student with the required vaccines by email to
  • Parent or guardian initiates a request for an exemption under the Immunization of School Pupils Act by emailing

Children attending school in Ontario are required to be vaccinated against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), polio, measles, mumps, rubella and meningococcal disease. Children born after 2010 must also be vaccinated against chicken pox.

The South East Health Unit is also sending letters to parents of students in the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario and the two eastern Ontario French school boards alerting parents of children born in 2008, 2017 and 2020 of missing immunization records.

“The notice will include information on how to submit immunization records and the exemption process,” says the health unit.