CTVNewsOttawa.ca looks at Canada Day activities happening in Ottawa, including the new locations for the Canadian Heritage celebrations at LeBreton Flats and Place des festivals Zibi in Gatineau.
Public Transit
OC Transpo will be free on Canada Day.
There will be no-charge service all day on the Confederation Line, buses and Para Transpo on Friday.
OC Transpo bus service will operate on a Sunday schedule, with additional buses available to provide more capacity on busy routes throughout the day, and later evening service on many routes following the fireworks.
O-Train Line 1 will operate on a special Canada Day schedule and run from 6 a.m. on Friday to 2 a.m. on Saturday, with increased evening frequency.
Use OC Transpo’s Travel Planner to plan your trip.
Canada Day in Canada's Capital Region
Canadian Heritage will host "Canada Day 2022" at LeBreton Flats Park in Ottawa and Place des festivals Zibi in Gatineau.
LeBreton Flats Park
LeBreton Flats Park will host the daytime ceremony at 11:30 a.m. and the evening show at 8 p.m.
The daytime ceremony will feature: Lisa LeBlanc, Tenille Townes, Chantal Kreviazuk, Sarahmee, DJ Shub, Boogat, Kellie Loder, Sebastian Gaskin, Josiane Comeau, Riit, Gurdeep Pandher.
The evening show will feature Charlotte Cardin, Salebarbes, Walk Off The Earth, Ariane Moffatt, Sarahmee, Neon Dreams, Riit, Cindy Bedard, Sebastian Gaskin and Gurdeep Pandher.
You can also check out the Tim Hortons Summer Fun Zone, the Grains on the Go exhibit, the Giant Tiger GT VIP Zone, the Via Rail miniature train and more.
Place des festivals Zibi
Canada Day events will be held at Place des festivals Zibi from 9 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. on Friday. There will be emerging artists performing and activities for the family.
Discover emerging artists including Lisa LeBlanc, Jonathan Roy, ALLDAYJAM aka Mike Clay, Melissa Ouimet, Genevieve et Alain, Marie Clo, Kia Kelly and Double Magnum. You can also watch BMX demonstrations and take part in a bunch of activities.
Parliament Hill
While the main Canada Day festivities will be held at LeBreton Flats Park, Canadian Heritage says Canada Day activities will be held on Parliament Hill on Friday.
There will be an aerial performance by the SkyHawks.
The Canadian Forces Snowbirds have cancelled the fly-past over Ottawa on Canada Day.
The Tim Hortons Canada Day fireworks will be held near LeBreton Flats Park, starting at 10 p.m.
Canadian Heritage says the best views will be from LeBreton Flats Park, Place des festivals Zibi and the surrounding streets.
For more information, visit the Canadian Heritage Canada Day website.
Celebrate Canada Day at the National Arts Centre.
Enjoy a free NAC Orchestra concert, learn how to make a paper birch bark basket or how to create your own Canada Day dance, attend a Powwow Workout Class and listen to the Unisong Choir.
For more information, visit https://nac-cna.ca/en/series/la-fete-du-canada-day.
The TD Ottawa Jazz Festival is offering free, local performances on Canada Day at Marion Dewar Plaza at Ottawa City Hall.
Enjoy live music from the Jazz Youth Summit, the Prime Rib Big Band, Lynne Hanson and The Lionyls.
For more information, visit https://ottawajazzfestival.com/
Celebrate Canada Day with the RCMP Musical Ride.
Enjoy a family-friendly performance on July 1 at 2 p.m., with shows also scheduled for July 2 and July 3 at 6 p.m.
The show is free, but donations for the Ottawa Food Bank will be collected on Friday and Saturday. On Sunday, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress will collect donations to support displaced Ukrainian families in Ottawa.
The RCMP Musical Ride will be held at the Musical Ride Centre at 1 Sandridge Road.
For more information, visit https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/celebrate-canada-day-weekend
For information on each museum in the region, visit the websites.
- Canadian Museum of Nature open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Canada Day (Admission is free)
- Canada Agriculture and Food Museum open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Canada Day (Admission is free)
- Canada Science and Technology Museum open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Admission is free)
- Canada Aviation and Space Museum open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Canada Day. (Admission is free)
- Canadian War Museum open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Canada Day (Admission is free)
- Canadian Museum of History open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Canada Day (Admission is free)
- National Gallery of Canada open Canada Day from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Admission is free, but a ticket is required)
- The Diefenbunker open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Canada Day.
Canada Day in Barrhaven 2022 is set for Thursday, June 30 to Sunday, July 3.
Checkout the Midway, Kidz Zone, food vendors, entertainment stages and more.
Canada Day activities on Friday include a Seniors' and Family Breakfast, Midway, multicultural stage shows, Indigenous vendors, musical performances and fireworks at 10 p.m.
For more information, visit https://canadadaybarrhaven.ca/
Enjoy Canada Day festivities at the Greely Community Centre.
Events include a pancake brunch at 11 a.m., kids games and interactive events, and "Fantastic Fireworks" at 9:30 p.m.
For more information, click here - https://www.greelycommunity.ca/index.php/upcoming-events/82-canada-day-in-greely/2022-07-01-11-00
Celebrate Canada Day in Kanata on Friday.
Festivities include a Family Fun Zone, live bands and fireworks at 10 p.m. The midway opens at 10 a.m. on July 1, and there will be family entertainment all day.
For more information, visit https://canadadayinkanata.com/.
Don't miss non-stop free activities, music and entertainment to celebrate Canada Day at O Canada Orleans.
Festivities will be held at Petrie Island.
Events include a KIDZONE, a beachside BBQ, the Rising Stars of School of Rock and fireworks.
For more information, visit https://www.ocanadaorleans.ca/.
The Stittsville Village Association presents Canada Day in Stittsville.
The party will be held from 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. Friday on the field of Sacred Heart High School – 5870 Abbott Street East.
Don't miss the inflatables and games, food, live music and fireworks at 10 p.m.
For more information, visit https://www.stittsvilleva.com/event/canada-day-in-stittsville-2022/.
The Osgoode Village Community Association invites you to enjoy Canada Day in Osgoode.
Events include a parade on Osgoode Main Street, children's activities, the Zoo Crew, a talent show, Music by Heirs of the Dog and fireworks at 10 p.m.
Events will be held at the Stuart Holmes Arena on Osgoode Main.
For more information, visit https://www.osgoodevillage.org/canada-day.html.
The Riverside South Community Association invites you to enjoy Canada Day Fireworks.
Enjoy music starting at 8 p.m., with fireworks beginning at dusk.
The event will be held at Claudette Cain Park.
For more information, visit https://riversidesouth.org/canada-day.
Celebrate Canada Day with the Trend Arlington Community Association.
Festivities begin at 5 p.m. on Friday, with entertainment in the space around the Community Centre at 50 Bellman Drive. The festivities will wrap-up with fireworks at sundown.
For more information, visit https://www.facebook.com/events/441954810652137?ref=newsfeed.
Coun. Eli El-Chantiry says the West Carleton Branch 616 of the Royal Canadian Legion in Constance Bay is hosting a pig roast dinner and live entertainment on Friday beginning at 3 p.m.
The Dunrobin Community Association is hosting a Canada Day celebration at the Dunrobin Community Centre on Thomas A. Dolan Parkway. The festivities begin at 6 p.m., and includes a barbecue, a live band and fireworks.
If we missed an event for Canada Day in Ottawa, email CTV News Ottawa at ottawaweb@bellmedia.ca.