Northern Ontario

Vale confirms multiple seismic events at Creighton Mine


Vale's Creighton Mine located in Greater Sudbury. Apr. 23/20 (Alana Pickrell/CTV Northern Ontario)

SUDBURY — Earthquakes Canada has confirmed least two earthquakes in the Sudbury-area overnight originated from Creighton Mine.

Greater Sudbury lit-up social media Friday night to affirm the earthquakes that were felt by residents in the city’s south-end, Copper Cliff, Chelmsford, Valley, Flour Mill and New Sudbury areas.

In a media statement issued late Saturday morning, Vale confirmed multiple seismic events took place at the mine in the late evening hours of Jan. 15.

The full statement reads:

“Last night three seismic events occurred at Creighton Mine between 9:00 and 10:30 pm measuring between 2.6 and 3.7 in magnitude that were felt in the community. Employees were all accounted for and brought safely to surface.  Day shift was cancelled at Creighton Mine today as we initiate our normal seismic management protocols.”

Vale later revised the statement to “apologize for any disruption this may have caused to local residents.”

According to Earthquakes Canada, the first earthquake took place at approx. 9:10 p.m. and registered at a 3.2 magnitude, while the second even took place at approx. 10:20 p.m. was a measured at as 3.7 magnitude event.

Dr. Stephen Crane is a Research Scientist with Natural Resources Canada and confirmed that while the earthquakes were significant, it’s not uncommon for the area.

“These ones are a little large. Usually they’re not as large on the magnitude scale.”

“But it isn’t uncommon to get these larger events due to mines.”

I’m thinking we just had an earthquake here in Hanmer/Sudbury 😳😳😳 House just shook like crazy

Posted by Tanya Tarrant-Forigo on Friday, January 15, 2021

Dr. Crane says that depending on where the events take-place, they are known to be felt across large distances.

“We usually say that people can feel an event like this on a regional scale, so maybe up to 100 km.”

“It depends on where it happens, what the conditions are, and where you are in relation to the event.  Everyone is going to experience it very differently, especially if you’re on rock versus very soft soil.

There has also been a notable increase in ‘felt’ reports filed on the Earthquake Canada website and Dr. Crane says he is encouraging residents in the area to submit the form.

Orignal Article: January 15, 2021 - 11:08 p.m. EST

Several big rumbles were felt in communities across Greater Sudbury Friday evening.

The first occured around 9pm, followed by a second about an hour later.

Earthquakes Canada has yet to confirm the event. Many people have been taking to social media to share their stories and what they felt.

The second shake lasted about 10 seconds in our CTV Northern Ontario newsroom.

This is a developing story...