Northern Ontario

Timmins town hall meeting to address city safety issues


Meeting about safety issues in Timmins Downtown Timmins and the Chamber host a town hall style meeting at the Timmins Museum to allow its members to air out concerns about crime.

The downtown business improvement association and the chamber of commerce in Timmins are hosting a town hall meeting Monday with business and property owners to address their safety concerns.

It’s been on ongoing problem in the city of late, and as business leaders get ready to host the session, a flagship jewellery store in the downtown core just recently installed surveillance cameras.

Business and property owners have expressed concern about the security of their shops and offices throughout the city.

And, owners have been quite vocal on news and social media platforms.

“We also know there are some pocket areas where we could do better at making sure that we provide more safe places for our visitors to downtown Timmins,.” Said Cindy Campbell of Downtown Timmins

The town hall meeting will be at the Timmins museum, and participants need to be either a downtown or chamber member to attend.

“We need to hear what trends are happening, what information people are hearing on the street that we might not be hearing up in our offices. This is our chance to connect and make sure that we’re doing the best for our community,” Campbell said.

It's not the first time a meeting like this has been held, but organizers say it's time for another one.

Some of the presenters will include Kate Fyfe and Patrick Nowak from the hospital, Brian Marks from social services, Deputy Mayor Michelle Boileau, and Timmins police.

“It’s to provide real feedback and insight into what exactly is the judicial process is, some of the barriers they face on a daily basis, and also just the sheer amount of call-outs that are coming in. This open arena provides a level of transparency as well,” said Cameron Grant of the Timmins Chamber of Commerce.

One business owner told CTV News that people are afraid to speak up as they fear retaliation from criminals something they've already experienced.