Northern Ontario

Timmins-James Bay MP Charlie Angus says the federal government will step up for Timmins


Timmins MP says feds to come to the table to help Timmins-James Bay MP Charlie Angus says the federal government will step up to help Timmins address homelessness in the area.

With members of the public continuing to protest the way Timmins is managing the homelessness situation, local NDP MP Charlie Angus is assuring the public that Mayor Michelle Boileau is working on it.

The Timmins-James Bay MP said every level of government needs to work together on this and other issues – such as crime and the opioid crises.

Angus told CTV News he is assisting Boileau by setting up more meetings with key ministers.

“What I’ve been really impressed with the new mayor, Boileau," said Angus.

"She’s reaching out, she’s making calls and to find solutions – these are not easy solutions so we need all the partners at the table and we’ve had some really good successes in Timmins, we need a lot more."

Angus said Boileau has opened channels with key stakeholders in Ottawa and this is a positive sign for Timmins.

"I think people should be aware that there are some real steps being taken,” he added.

“We’ve just secured nearly a million dollars in funding for community safety that Timmins can use; that's also going to help," said Angus.

"But there’s going to be a need for larger long term solutions such as housing and other mental health supports and that’s the work we’re doing."

Boileau said she has met with the federal government and has recently had the chance to talk with Mona Fortier, the president of the Treasury Board – which provides advice on how the government should spend money on programs and services.

“I had the opportunity to tell her about my most recent visits to Ottawa as chair of the CDSSAB (Cochrane District Social Services Administration Board),” said Boileau.

“We got to meet with a few different ministers, so we’re asking that the Government of Canada actually be an equal partner in trying to end homelessness here and they could realize that through an increase to our Reaching Home funding that we receive in the region."

“One priority I believe that I heard this week is housing and the opportunity of partnering with the federal government is necessary," said Fortier.

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Meanwhile the NDP and Liberals are working together while the Federal Conservative Leader, Pierre Poilievre is on a quest to become the next prime minister.

Poilievre be rallying across northern Ontario this week – including stops in Timmins and Kapuskasing – after taking notice of the city's recent town hall.