SUDBURY — In the late evening of Sept. 11, a motorist travelling east on MR80 approaching Elmview Dr. in Hanmer, was forced to perform an evasive action to avoid a collision with a mini-van that failed to stop at a red light.
The witness driver followed the vehicle where it turned right on Centennial Dr. before climbing the sidewalk and hitting a hydro pole.
The suspect then reversed the damaged vehicle over the sidewalk and continued eastbound on MR80 before turning into a residential driveway off Notre Dame St.
Throughout the ordeal, the witness was able to call 9-1-1 and notify police who responded to investigate.
The scene of the collision is in the exact location where 3 teens were killed by drunk driver just over ten years ago.
On June 21, 2009, Nicolas Piovesan hit and killed Jazmine Houle, Caitlin Jelley and Steven Phillipe.
A commemorative sign and memorial site are still displayed there today.
Police called the incident a “terrible reminder of the dangers of impaired driving” and say had the accused not struck the hydro pole, he would have driven directly into the commemorative sign display.
The man, 38, was arrested and charged with operation while impaired – alcohol, dangerous operation, fail to remain and operation while impaired – blood alcohol over 80.