Northern Ontario

Sun shines on chilly polar plunge


Greater Sudbury Police Chief, Paul Pedersen, prepares for his dive into the cold winter waters. March 7/2020 (Ian Campbell)

SUDBURY — A group of passionate Sudburians braved chilly winter waters for the annual Polar Plunge.

The event, organized locally by the Ontario Law Enforcement Torch Run, always proves to be a fun affair.

Funds raised go towards Special Olympics Ontario.

"The initial shock is pretty bad, but you get used to it," said Tess Ferris, a Cambrian preservice firefighter. "It’s not for too long; just remember to breathe!"

Some local Sudbury dignitaries, including Greater Sudbury Police Chief, Paul Pedersen, and Sudbury Justice, Andrew Buttazoni, were among the participants who took a dive in the zero degree water.

Also participating was Joanne Pendrak, a retired police officer.

"All of the money we raise here goes to their training programs, their uniforms, their travel across the province, internationally too so it’s an amazing thing," said Pendrak.