Snowmobilers eager to hit the trails in the Sudbury area will see some improvements this winter.
The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs, in partnership with the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund, provided $400,000 in funding to improve three aging trail bridges in Sudbury.
James Saville, president of Sudbury Trail Plan, said the improvements will address safety issues.
"Two of the bridges are on the very north trail of our area, so it’s going to enable that trail to stay connected, which goes from Capreol to Cartier," Saville said.
"The third bridge is just south of Chelmsford. They’re high-use trails that are well used in the winter."
Snowmobiling is a popular pastime in Greater Sudbury and around the north, increasing tourism for businesses in the region throughout the winter.
Myur Patel, manager of Moonlight Inn and Suites on the Kingsway, said many snowmobilers visit his hotel in the winter.
"The trails open up and then we do get a steady flow at this location as well all across Sudbury gets a steady flow of people coming in," Patel said.
When snowmobilers ask, he said he often recommends local businesses depending on what riders are looking for.
"It’s great to see we can keep people employed. We can recommend local restaurants, recommend pizza places, even service shops and Royal Distributing centres so that they can get the proper equipment to go back out," Patel said.
Saville said last year brought a spike in trail pass purchases and new riders, which he said he believes is due to people trading travel for snowmobiling.
"Last year was a phenomenal year," he said.
"I think a lot due to COVID and people trading Mexico for snowmobiling, which is funny to hear, but last year was great."
However, Saville said, snowmobile offers the ability to travel too.
"Snowmobiling is one of the ones that gets you around and you can travel from it too, right? You can start in Sudbury and end up in Sault St. Marie and come back a totally different route if you want to. So it’s just something to do, get out in the winter," he said.
Snowmobile passes offering riders the chance to explore tens of thousands of trails across Ontario went on sale at the beginning of October.