Northern Ontario

Sudbury police conduct R.I.D.E. checks to kickoff the long weekend


Stay safe on the roads this weekend As we head into the last long weekend of the summer, police remind drivers to stay safe – and they will be out in full force, as usual.

Greater Sudbury Police Service conducted Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere (R.I.D.E.) checks on Friday night.

In a tweet on Saturday, police said 377 vehicles were checked.

Friday night’s program resulted in two drivers charged with impaired driving, one driver charged with driving while prohibited, two drivers charged with driving while under suspension, one driver charged with distracted driving, two provincial warn range suspensions and three other provincial offenses.

Police also administered 27 approved screening device Roadside tests.

“Action Sudbury has served Sudbury for over 35 years, ensuring safer roads for all. We recognize Action Sudbury as a longstanding community partner who has consistently supported our efforts to reduce impaired driving,” police said in the tweet,

This R.I.D.E. program event was sponsored by Action Sudbury.

In a Facebook post related to the R.I.D.E. check, poilce advised impaired driving is never an option and to plan ahead; have a designated driver, call a cab, use public transit or plan to stay the night.

"If you see an impaired driver, please contact police immediately by calling 911."