Northern Ontario

Sudbury elementary school sends one class home following confirmed COVID-19 case, but remains open


SUDBURY — One class in Sudbury has been dismissed following a confirmed case of COVID-19.

In a letter sent home to parents of St. David's Catholic elementary school, Director of Education Joanne Benard said that a new case had been reported in the school.

"Public Health continues to investigate the situation and if any risks to the school community are identified, they may direct additional measures," the letter said. "The situation will be monitored closely, and we will provide timely updates on both our Board and the St. David websites."

According to the letter, the Senior Kindergarten/Grade 1 class has been dismissed effective immediately. The class is not expected to resume in person learning until Jan. 29.

Parents have been advised that health officials will contact all parents of children and all staff members who have been identified as close contacts.

"In general, if your child is dismissed from school as part of this situation, but you are not contacted directly by Public Health, your child must self-isolate immediately until and including January 29th, 2021," the letter reads. "Your child should also seek COVID-19 testing as soon as possible."

This news comes following the resumption of in-person learning across northeastern Ontario on Jan. 11. Updates on COVID-19 concerns reported by the Sudbury Catholic District School Board can be found here.

According to data on the provincial COVID-19 website, there are two schools with a reported case of COVID-19.