Northern Ontario

Sudbury city councillors may be suspended for comments at controversial meeting


Sudbury city councillors face suspensions Two councillors in Greater Sudbury could be suspended for negative comments they made at public meeting about city staff.

CTV News has learned that the Sudbury’s integrity commissioner is recommending suspensions for two of three city councillors under investigation for comments they made at a controversial public meeting.

The town hall meeting was attended by Ward 2 Coun. Michael Vagnini, Ward 3 Coun. Gerry Montpellier and Ward 11 Coun. Bill Leduc.

At the meeting, a contractor whose work was halted because of problems with the asphalt made several allegations of corruption and conflict of interest within city hall.

Sudbury Auditor General Ron Foster examined the allegations made by Frank Crupi of Road Surface Recycling and found them to be without merit.

At the public meeting, however, some of the councillors present made statements about city staff at the roads department, including comments on their personal lives.

City CAO Ed Archer filed a complaint against Montpellier and Leduc, quoting statements they made at the meeting. Archer nor city staff were present at the time of the town hall.

Integrity commissioner David Boghosian said it was clear to him that Montpellier's statement was made to "pile on" criticism already levied at city staff.

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Leduc also confirmed to CTV News that he's received word of a 10-day suspension. Any decision to suspend a member of city council must be approved by a vote at city council.

Both men say they plan on refuting the allegations facing them, along with the integrity commissioner's findings.