Northern Ontario

Some tips to help get your plants through summer heat


Tips on caring for plants in extreme heat CTV's Tony Ryma gets tips on caring for plants during extreme summer heat from Jeff Warner of Aidie Creek Gardens.

Sudbury — The recent 30 C degree weather caused a lot of people to find relief from the heat, and a northern Ontario garden centre owner says it was a stressful time for plants, too.

"It’s a little hard on them and I’ve been holding off on putting out some of my plants, especially pumpkins that don’t like this heat," said Jeff Warner of Aidie Creek Gardens in Englehart.

Warner recommends watering your plants a couple of times a day when it gets incredibly hot outside.

"Just make sure you water your plants deeply so the roots can get the moisture they need," Warner said.

Most plants need an inch of water a week, he said.

"My garden tends to have a lot of weeds, so I pull out a weed and see how much moisture there is on the root system," Warner said. "If it’s moist, great. If not, I water the garden."

When it comes to watering, Warner suggests getting your watering can ready in the morning.

"Start off the day with watering your garden so the plants can use the water to grow," he said. "But sometimes that doesn’t work into your life, so water when you can."

Warner recommends checking on your plants to make sure they don’t dry out. If they’re thirsty, give them a drink.