Northern Ontario

Snowmobile safety program for high school students


Snowmobile safety program for high school students From CTV Northern Ontario: Students at a Sudbury area high school are taking part in a snowmobile safety program this week.

Education now could pay off down the road.

About 30 students at Lively District Secondary School are taking part in a snowmobile safety program this week.

"It's a big part of a lot of people’s lives in northern Ontario. And you've heard in the news lately, with all of the fatalities and accidents that have occurred, so the more we educate the students, the safer the trails will be." said event organizer Rob Ongarato.

"I learned a lot, a lot about ice and trains. Ice is very dangerous. I never knew it could be that dangerous. I never knew trains could be that dangerous too, a lot of crossings and stuff like that." said Lawson Cavallin, student participant.

"Just in case anything bad does happen you, will know like what to do and you won’t like panic and get scared and you'll more than likely be able to save someone else or the person who gets hurt." said first-time rider Amanda Mayer.

This is the 25th anniversary of the program. It was developed following five snowmobile fatalities on Lake Panache in 1993.