Northern Ontario

Simplifying Ontario's hunting tag system


Making moose hunting easier MNRF holds open session in North Bay to hear how it can make moose hunting easier and the tag draw fairer.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, along with a ‘Big Game Management Committee’ paid a visit to North Bay Thursday evening to hear from hunters on how to make moose hunting easier.

Both groups are travelling across the province and hosting public information sessions, listening to concerns about the current draw system for moose tags.

The MNRF says it hasn't done open sessions like this in a few years.

It hopes after hearing from the public, the draw can be made fairer while still maintaining a healthy moose population.

“This area and northeastern Ontario really is the area where there is the most demand for moose hunting. And so it's important we connect with this area of the province to find out what concerns are locally and regionally around northeastern Ontario.” said Jamie Stewart, of MNRF.

Bob Mills is a hunter that attended the public input session in North Bay.

“For the last 25 years, I have applied for a tag in the draw, and for the last 25 years I have not gotten one.

The camp below us from down south gets a license every year, at least one, sometimes two or three. It seems odd that northerners aren’t getting their licenses and southern people are.” said Mills.

The committee will be in Sault Ste. Marie next Tuesday, May 28 for another open meeting.