Northern Ontario

Risk of COVID-19 exposure from northern ontario train


Ontario Northland’s Polar Bear Express train service. (CTV Northern Ontario)

Sudbury — The Porcupine Health Unit is advising Ontario Northland passengers of a potential exposure to COVID-19 on  Nov. 13.

The risk of exposure to the disease took place on an Ontario Northland - Polar Bear Express train with a scheduled departure time of 5 p.m., from Moosonee to Cochrane.

The health unit is asking passengers who sat in coach #2, rows 5 to 9 to self-isolate immediately.

Other passengers seated in coach #2 are asked to self-monitor until Nov. 27.

The Porcupine Health Unit says it will be contacting all passengers in coach #2 to provide further direction.

If you are experiencing symptoms, officials say you should self-isolate at home and call the Porcupine Health unit COVID-19 information line at 705-267-1181 or 1-800-461-1818 or your local public health unit.