Northern Ontario

Police use multiple spike belts to stop speeding pickup truck


Police in Sudbury were forced to use multiple spike belts after the driver of a stolen pickup truck refused to stop Sept. 14, while speeding on Highway 17. (File photo)

Police in Sudbury were forced to use multiple spike belts after the driver of a stolen pickup truck refused to stop Sept. 14, while speeding on Highway 17.

The incident began shortly after 11:30 a.m. when the Ontario Provincial Police responded to traffic complaints about a stolen pickup truck travelling westbound from Sudbury.

“The pickup truck was travelling at excessive speeds of more than 160 km/hr on Highway 17,” police said in a news release Friday.

At approximately noon on Wednesday, Manitoulin OPP deployed a spike belt west of Narin Centre at the Spanish River bridge.

“The pickup truck ran over the spike belt and continued westbound on Highway 17,” police said.

About 12:30 p.m., members of the East Algoma OPP detachment deployed two additional spike belts in the Village of Serpent River, bringing the stolen vehicle to a stop.

“No injuries were sustained by the public, the driver, or the officers," police said.

The 54-year-old driver is charged with possession of property obtained by crime, dangerous operation of a vehicle, driving under a suspension and fleeing from police.

Accused appeared in video bail court in Blind River on Sept. 15.

The allegations have not been proven in court.