Northern Ontario

Police and trail plan react to recent snowmobile fatality


Fatal snowmobile crash in Sudbury From CTV Northern Ontario’s Alana Everson: Sudbury Police are investigating a single snowmobile crash involving a 33-year-old man who struck a tree.

Tuesday’s snowmobile crash puts the total number in the north at ten, so far in 2018.

The Ontario Provincial Police say they have seen an almost 14% increase in snowmobile collisions in the northeast region, over this time last year.

OPP Inspector Scott Hlady of Sudbury says that the weather fluctuation this year has affected the riding conditions for snowmobilers.

“On trails and on the lake as well, you can’t trust any of the ice that we have right now. The weather has been cold at points and warm at points, so the ice is really unpredictable.” said Hlady.

The OPP say impairment has been a factor in some of the collisions.

Greater Sudbury Police have also responded to a rash of recent snowmobile collisions, with many riders seriously hurt and one fatality.

“With the snowmobile hitting an object, it's a very dangerous situation. We have had some collisions the last couple of weeks where pressure cracks have been hit, rocks have been hit and trees.” says Sudbury Police Sergeant Tim Burtt.

Sudbury Police say only one collision in their jurisdiction involved alcohol, so far this season, but add, excessive speed is a common factor.

“Another issue that we are seeing, where people are out first time on a trail plan, or out on a Lake and they are not familiar with what the obstacles could be.” said Sergeant Burtt.

Richard Bleskie is with the Sudbury Trail Plan Association and says it's received some complaints about reckless driving on some trails.

“Going too fast and driving on the wrong side of the trail, it's just speed.” said Bleskie.

He says most riders are respectful, but some feel a need for speed.

“That's one of the biggest things, people buy bigger and bigger motors in their machines and they figure they have to use the speed.” said Bleskie.

The Sudbury Trail Plan Association says right now, over half of the riders on its trails are from out of town, because of poor conditions in southern Ontario.