Northern Ontario

Northern delegation at social services conference


District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board

Mental health and addictions, homelessness, and employment in Nipissing are among some key issues a delegation from the District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board is bringing to various ministries during the Rural Ontario Municipal Association’s annual conference in Toronto.

The two day seminar started Monday and wraps up Tuesday.

DNSSAB representatives, including the Chief Administrative Officer and Board members, are meeting with several Ontario ministers along with members within community safety and the attorney general.

“This is an excellent opportunity to talk directly with the ministry leaders about current challenges and potential solutions that fit our unique communities.” said DNSSAB CAO Joe Bradbury.

Among the top priorities are the coordination of mental health and addictions services and the importance of transitional housing to alleviate homelessness.

“Issues affecting the most seriously disadvantaged in our communities often overlap the mandates of several ministries and the program areas of the DSSABs.” adds Bradbury.

The CAO is also taking part in a panel discussion called Addressing Poverty and Employment in Rural and Northern Communities.  This session explores both provincial and municipal efforts through human services delivery and innovative models of employment supports that work to tackle poverty.

As the only panel member from the north, Bradbury will be talking about his organization’s successes with employment and what this could look like in the future.

The delegates represent the 11 member municipalities of the DNSSAB.