Northern Ontario

North Bay upset to be left off task force created to focus on transportation needs in the region


Task force aims to boost northern transportation It's called the Northern Transportation Task Force and the goal is to make travel easier, and to grow the economy in the North.

It’s called the Northern Transportation Task Force and the goal is to make travel easier, and to grow the economy in the north.

The task force has representation from northern mayors, Indigenous chiefs and other business and transportation leaders from across the north.

“Stronger use of our rail service, our bus service, interconnection of the bus services,” said task force chair Danny Whalen.

"Expansion, as well as strong marine presence, look at strengthening that for freight services. Small community air ports as well, which we also have across the north."

With such an ambitious mandate, some in North Bay are upset the city has no direct representative.

“Who picked the people to sit on the committee and how did you miss North Bay?” said Deputy Mayor Tanya Vrebosch.

“Unless you have us at the table, we don’t have that direct advocacy piece. The chair mentioned he would be willing to go up to 15 seats. There’s 13 right now ... North Bay would be more than happy to take our seat at the table"

Whalen disagreed with Vrebosch and told CTV News that North Bay is definitely represented.

“North Bay’s MPP Vic Fedeli sits at the cabinet table and is regular communication with people on that list,” said Whalen.

“Also, through Bill Vrebosch -- he’s one of my FONOM directors -- FONOM has been elected to co-chair this task force, so he has a direct link to the table. North Bay probably has stronger representation at this task force than any municipality in the north.”