Northern Ontario

No disciplinary action for Sudbury councillor


No disciplinary action for Sudbury councillor From CTV Northern Ontario: A Sudbury city councillor found guilty of workplace harassment will not get any disciplinary action.

City council in Sudbury will not be taking any disciplinary action against a councillor found to have been guilty of workplace harassment.

This comes after an investigation into the actions by two city councillors.

Michael Vagnini and Gerry Montpellier were accused of harassing the city's former fire chief.

While Vagnini was cleared, the investigator hired by the city found Montpellier guilty.

"I live in an area where I’m actually well-known and in the end, they will always remember that I fought to save the beloved, cost-effective, part-time firefighters." said Montpellier.

The harassment stems from comments the councillor made during the former chief's campaign to revamp the fire service.