Northern Ontario

Modernizing the hunting and fishing licensing system


On November 26, 2018 there will be a better way for hunters and anglers across Ontario to get their Outdoors Cards and hunting and fishing licensing products.

"The new fish and wildlife licensing service that we are launching in November will make getting outdoors easier for hunters and anglers. The service will be easy to use, with new features like a mobile Licence Summary and a single Outdoors Card,” said Jeff Yurek, Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry.

To support transition to the new service, there will be two planned service interruptions:

  • From November 19 to 25, 2018, there will be no fishing or hunting licences for sale.
  • From November 19 to December 31, 2018, licences requiring a game seal will not be available for purchase. All fishing and hunting licences not requiring a game seal will be available for sale.

Plan ahead: all 2018 licences requiring a game seal need to be purchased before November 19, 2018.

As of January 1, 2019 – all hunting and fishing licences will be available for purchase during their regular timeframes.

For all the information you need about fishing and hunting licences in Ontario, please visit