Northern Ontario

Mild weather causes outdoor skating rinks in short supply


Outdoor rinks in short supply with mild weather Sault Ste. Marie's Downtown Plaza is drawing skaters from around the city and beyond with mild weather limiting ice. Mike McDonald reports.

Mild temperatures and no snow mean ice skaters in Sault Ste. Marie have limited options for outdoor skating. However, the rink at the new Downtown Plaza has been open for several weeks now.

The new outdoor ice pad has a key difference compared to other sites throughout the city – synthetic ice, which stays cold in above-zero temperatures – this has allowed the rink to stay open.

"Honestly, the location is perfect," said one skater.

"It really brings in the whole community, and really livens up the downtown. I think this is a perfect addition, especially for Christmas time and the winter in general. Even though there’s no snow around.

According to the city, there are two factors at play when it comes to traditional outdoor rinks. First, temperatures must be consistently below zero and the second requirement would be a bed of snow.

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Until that happens, the Sault offers some indoor skating options, such as the John Rhodes Community Centre and the Northern Community Centre.