Investigators continue to investigate what caused an explosion and fire in the Greater Sudbury community of Capreol on Wednesday night.
Three firefighters were injured and nine people from two buildings are now displaced, including Edward Gravelle.
“We started hearing electrical fire in the walls, which was really concerning,” Gravelle said.
“We weren’t sure if it was our building or not. So the first thing I did was turn off my breakers, and when I did that, that’s the lights went out and I could see orange in my window. I looked out the window and you could see the flames shooting out, so instantly we grabbed our animals. As we grabbed out animals that’s when the explosion happened.”
The explosion happened shortly after fire crews arrived. Flames engulfed several firefighters and buried them under rubble.

Fire officials said this type of explosion and subsequent collapse is rare and a video captured by a neighbour’s drone will be helpful.
“We’re going to use that as a learning piece,” said deputy fire chief Jesse Oshell.
“We’re going to take it and make it into a tool, and so absolutely I can tell you that my peers across the province, they’re going to want that video as well in order to educate their firefighters. And so I know immediately that footage is going to be used. And already it’s being shared and used for that purpose.”
Released from hospital
Oshell said two of the injured firefighters have now been released from hospital, while the third will remain for observation.
In the meantime, community donations have been coming in to help the nine displaced victims.
“I believe that there’s a big need,” said Kym Fraser
“There’s a big need for our Community Closet here in town already, and with people being displaced from fire there’s going to be a bigger need. I’ve had so many donations already come in this morning including toiletries, etc.”
The Ontario Fire Marshal will take the lead on the investigation into the cause of the fire, but Oshell said it does not appear to be suspicious.
Due to the injuries to the firefighters the Ministry of Labour is also investigating.
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