Sudbury — has everything you need to know about receiving the COVID-19 vaccines in northeastern Ontario, including locations, how to register, and who is next in line. This information will be updated as new details become available.
Three COVID-19 vaccines have been approved by Health Canada: Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson.
Each health unit is at different stages of the vaccine rollout, so it will depend on where you live.
Algoma Public Health
- Staff, essential caregivers and residents of long-term care, retirement or senior's homes
- Alternative level of care patients in hospital who have a confirmed admission to a care facility
- Health care workers
- Indigenous adults ages 18 and older
- Faith leaders who provide end-of-life services
- Adult recipients of chronic home care
- Adults ages 60 and older
- Adults in high-risk congregate living settings
- Adults with high- and highest-risk medical conditions and their caregivers
- Frontline essential workers including first responders, teachers, education staff, and food processing industry workers
- First group of workers who cannot work from home
North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit
- Residents, staff and essential caregivers for long-term care homes, senior care facilities, and retirement homes
- Indigenous adults ages 18 and older
- Adults born in 1981 or earlier
- Special education workers
- Licensed child care workers
- People with high- and highest-risk health conditions and their essential caregivers
- Adults receiving chronic home care
- High and very high priority health care workers
- People who live and work in high-risk congregate settings
- People who cannot work from home in Groups One and Two
Porcupine Health Unit
- Adults ages 40 and older
- Adults in high-risk congregate living settings
- Adults with high- and highest-risk medical conditions
- Faith leaders who provide end-of-life services
- First and second group of essential workers who cannot work from home
- Staff, essential caregivers and residents of long-term care, retirement or senior's homes
- Alternative level of care patients in hospital who have a confirmed admission to a care facility
- Health care workers
- Indigenous adults ages 18 and older
- Adult recipients of chronic home care
Public Health Sudbury & Districts
- Adults 50 years of age and older in 2021
- Health care workers
- Indigenous adults ages 18 years and older (First Nations, Métis and Inuit)
- People who cannot work from home in Groups One and Two
- Individuals with at-risk to highest-risk health conditions, and one essential caregiver for those in the highest-risk category
- Adults who receive chronic home care
- Faith leaders who provide end-of-life services
- Residents, essential caregivers and staff of high-risk congregate living settings, retirement homes, seniors facilities, and long-term care homes
- All adults ages 18 and older living in Gogama, Sultan, Shining Tree and Westree are eligible to book a vaccination appointment by calling 1-800-708-2505 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.
Timiskaming Health Unit
- All pregnant individuals
- Adults ages 40 and older or born in 1981 and earlier
- First Nations, Métis and Inuit people
- People with at-risk and highest-risk health conditions
- People who cannot work from home in Groups One and Two
- People from Phase 1, including health care workers, residents and staff of care homes and group living
- Chronic home health recipients
Long-term care home residents who have received the first dose will also be receiving their second doses.
In the Sudbury and Manitoulin districts:
- Adults born in 1991 or earlier starting the week of May 17
- Adults born in 2003 or earlier starting the week of May 24
In the Cochrane District and Hornepayne:
- Adults with at-risk medical conditions
In the Nipissing and Parry Sound districts:
- Week of May 17 - Adults over the age of 30
- Week of May 24 - Adults over the age of 18
- Caregivers in select congregate care settings
- Communities at greater risk
- Residents over age 16 who wishes to be vaccinated
In the Timiskaming District:
- Adults ages 30 and older can register for the standby list
Each health unit is responsible for creating its own strategy for vaccination rollout.
Currently, northern health units are working with partner agencies to identify eligible residents to ensure they book their appointment.
Check back here often for updates as they become available.
Algoma District:
- Blind River - Blind River Community Centre - May 13, 20, and 27
- Desbarats - Call 705-541-7085 for info about booking an appointment in your area
- Dubreuilville- Eddy K. Lefrancois Recreation Centre - More to be announced
- Elliot Lake - Collins Hall - May 13, 14, 20, 21, 27 and 28
- Elliot Lake Shoppers Drug Mart by appointment only for ages 40 and older
- Iron Bridge - Iron Bridge Lions Club - May 19
- Richard's Landing - Royal Canadian Legion 1534 - May 13 Fully booked, but May 27 is open
- Sault Ste. Marie - Batchewana Health Centre Thursdays by appointment only
- Sault Ste. Marie - GFL Memorial Gardens - May 21, 22, 28 and 29 FULLY BOOKED
- Sault Ste. Marie - Indian Friendship Centre and Maamwesying North Shore Community Hub - Wednesday by appointment only
- Sault Ste. Marie - Loblaw Pharmacy by appointment only for ages 40 and older
- Sault Ste. Marie - West End Pharmacy by appointment only for ages 40 and older
- Spanish - Four Seasons Waterfront - Fully booked
- Spanish - Shoppers Drug Mart - by appointment only for ages 40 and older
- Thessalon Memorial Community Arena - May 20 (Bookings begin May 13)
- Wawa - Michipicoten Memorial Community Centre - Wednesdays by appointment only
- White River - Royal Canadian Legion White River - More to be announced
Cochrane District:
- Cochrane Tim Hortons Event Centre - May 13
- Cochrane - Wallace Drug Store by appointment only for ages 40 and older 705-272-4381
- Hearst Claude Larose Recreation - May 14
- Hornepayne Community Arena May 20
- Kapuskasing Sports Palace - May 16
- Kapuskasing Rexall by appointment only for ages 40 and older
- Kirkland Lake - Kirkland Pharmacy by appointment only for ages 40 and older
- Matheson - Vern Miller Arena May 14 and 18
- Smooth Rock Falls Arena - May 15
- Timmins Mountjoy Arena - May 13 and 16 are fully booked, May 19, 20, and 21 is open
- Timmins Shoppers Drug Mart by appointment only for ages 40 and older
Sudbury District:
- Chapleau - Chapleau Recreation Centre - May 19, 25, 26, and June 2
- Greater Sudbury - Carmichael Arena May 13 and 14
- Greater Sudbury - Centennial Community Centre and Arena in Hanmer - May 15 and 29
- Greater Sudbury - Dr. Edgar Leclair Community Centre and Arena in Azilda - May 19 and June 2
- Greater Sudbury - Gerry McCrory Countryside Sports Complex - May 13, 18, 25, and June 1
- Greater Sudbury - Shoppers Drug Mart on Long Lake Road by appointment only for ages 40 and older
- Greater Sudbury - Rexall on Bancroft Drive by appointment only for ages 40 and older
- Greater Sudbury - Rexall in Val Caron by appointment only for ages 40 and older
- Greater Sudbury - Walden Family Drugstore in Lively for ages 40 and older call 705-692-5868
- Greater Sudbury - Wal-Mart Pharmacy on Lasalle by appointment only for ages 40 and older
- Lacloche Foothills - Espanola Recreation Centre - May 19 and 26
- Manitoulin Island - Mindemoya Missionary Church - May 18
- Manitoulin Island - NEMI Recreation Centre in Little Current - May 25
- Sudbury East - Alban Community Centre - May 13, 19, and 27
- Sudbury East - St. Charles Community Centre - May 20, 26, and June 3
North Bay Parry Sound Districts:
- Bracebridge - Rexall by appointment only for ages 40 and older
- Gravenhurst - IDA Pharmacy by appointment only for ages 40 and older
- Huntsville - Loblaw Pharmacy by appointment only for ages 40 and older
- Huntsville - Shoppers Drug Mart by appointment only for ages 40 and older
- Mattawa - Mike Rodden Arena - May 15, 19 and 26
- North Bay – Memorial Gardens – May 14, 17, 20, 24, 27, and 31 and June 3 (May 13 fully booked)
- North Bay - Northern Shores Pharmacy by appointment only for ages 40 and older
- North Bay - Shoppers Drug Mart by appointment only for ages 40 and older
- North Bay - Wal-Mart Pharmacy by appointment only for ages 40 and older
- Parry Sound – Bobby Orr Arena – May 20, 25, and June 1 (May 15 and 18 fully booked)
- Parry Sound - Pollard IDA Pharmacy by appointment only for ages 40 and older 705-746-2581
- Parry Sound - Shoppers Drug Mart by appointment only for ages 40 and older
- Sturgeon Falls - Loblaw Pharmacy by appointment only for ages 40 and older
- Sundridge – SSJ Arena – May 18 and June 1
- West Nipissing – Sturgeon Falls Arena - May 16, 22, 28 and June 4 (May 14 is fully booked)
Timiskaming District:
- Cobalt Golden Age Club - June 2
- Earlton Recreation Centre - May 31
- Elk Lake Community Centre - May 31
- Englehart Arena - May 19
- Haileybury Northern College - May 31
- Haileybury Smallman Pharmacy by appointment only for ages 40 and older 705-672-5261
- Kirkland Lake Hockey Heritage North - May 13, 18, 20
- Larder Lake Municipal Gym - June 1
- Latchford Recreation Centre - June 2
- Matachewan Recreation Hall - May 31
- New Liskeard Arena - May 18 and 19
- New Liskeard - Findlay's Drugstore by appointment only for ages 40 and older 705-647-8186
- Temagami Community Arena - June 1
- Temiskaming Shores - Wal-Mart Pharmacy by appointment only for ages 40 and older
- Virginiatown Community Centre - June 1
As part of their individual strategies, each local public health unit will outline where residents can sign up to receive their vaccine.
The Ontario government is developing a web portal where residents can register to get vaccinated. A customer service desk will also eventually be available for those not comfortable using the online tool.
Eligible Algoma residents outlined above can make an appointment online here or by calling the health unit at 705-541-2332 or 1-800-469-2449. Elliot Lake residents should call 1-705-461-8882 ext 611. Residents of Spanish, Ont. should call 705-356-2551 ext. 5010. Desbarats residents are encouraged to book appointments in either Richard's Landing or Thessalon.
North Bay Parry Sound residents ages 70 and older can book online through the provincial web portal or call the health unit at 1-800-563-2808 and choose option 5. It is anticipated that the phone lines will be extremely busy.
Residents in Sudbury and Manitoulin can call 705-674-2299 between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. every day or the alternate line 1-844-782-2273 between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. daily. Starting April 3, appointments can be booked through the provincial web portal here. Shkagamik-Kwe is coordinating the vaccinations for the urban Indigenous population in Greater Sudbury, call 1-800-708-2505 to make an appointment.
Eligible Cochrane District residents can make an appointment with Porcupine Health Unit online or by calling 1-800-461-1818. Health-care workers in the Porcupine Health Unit service area can pre-register online to receive an email notification about upcoming vaccine clinics in your community.
Indigenous adults and 18 and older and health care workers in the Timiskaming District can register for COVID-19 vaccine standby lists for upcoming clinics.
Some health-care workers can sign up for their appointment through a virtual timesheet.
You will be asked to stay for 15 to 30 minutes after receiving the vaccine to monitor for any adverse events.
As with all other medications and vaccines, the COVID-19 shot can cause side effects – the most frequent adverse reactions were typically mild or moderate in intensity and resolved within a few days.
Some of the potential side effects include; pain at the injection site, fatigue, headache, muscle or joint pain, chills, fever, swollen glands, diarrhea, nausea/vomiting, enlarged lymph nodes in your underarm.
Wear a t-shirt under your jacket to the appointment.
Do not take Tylenol or Advil before your appointment.
Do not arrive early for your appointment - you will not be allowed to enter the clinic before your scheduled time
Do not gather outside of the clinic - respect physical distancing
- Long-term care home residents, staff and essential caregivers
- First Nation elders
- Ontario health card
- If you do not have an Ontario health care you are asked to bring another piece of photo identification that is government-issued, such as a drivers licence, passport, status card or other provincial health cards
- Face mask
- Immunization record to keep track of this vaccine and others
- Assistive devices, as needed
- Reading glasses and/or hearing aid, if required
- Support person, if required
- You should take your regular medication and eat meals as usual
- Do not wear any scented products
- Wear a loose-fitting top so health-care provider can easily access your arm for the vaccination
Initially, Ontario residents receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine were advised to receive their second dose 21 days after the first dose. As well, those receiving the Moderna vaccine were advised to receive their second dose within 28 days of their first.
On Feb. 14, the province said all second dose appointments for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine will be conducted within 35 days and no later than 42 days of receiving the first dose to increase availability during a supply-limited time. This timeline does not apply to residents of long-term care, high-risk retirement and First Nations elder care homes, as well as residents of other types of congregate care homes for seniors and those 80 years of age or older.
Algoma Public Health - 44,988 have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, 36,706 have at least one dose of the vaccine and 4,141 residents are fully vaccinated.
Porcupine Health Unit - 36,384 total doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been administered and 35,046 have received at least one dose of the vaccine.
Public Health Sudbury & Districts - 89,900 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been given and 81,314 have at least one dose of the vaccine, while 8,586 have been fully vaccinated.
North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit - 51,373 residents have at least on dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and 50,030 doses have been administered at local clinics.
Timiskaming Health Unit - 16,762 doses have been administered, 16,175 people have at least one dose and 587 people are fully vaccinated.