A man from the Greater Sudbury community of Azilda had some extra time during the pandemic, so he decided to create a board game.
“Board gaming has been a hobby and a passion of mine for a long time,” said Mat Cousineau, co-creator of Kuiperium.
“Being ingrained as a hobby, you’re always thinking this is great, but it would be cool if the game did this.”
Cousineau was helping his friend Steve Cassell with his own game, then they decided to create Kuiperium together.
“Both of our other projects just got shoved off to the side and basically we got obsessed with designing this game.”
Cousineau said he and his friend put in about 1,000 hours and about two years into creating the new board game.
“It’s already gone live and funded through Kickstarter, a global crowdfunding platform.”
Kuiperium is a space mining game, and the planet has sent two companies to the Kuiper Belt because the Earth’s sun is dying with humanity trying to find a solution.
“The goal is to escape the planet or to fix the problem. This new element they are looking for is very powerful, so we’ve sent these corporations there but there is conflict,” said Cousineau.
Cousineau told CTV News it is a two-person game and you are basically trying to outwit your opponent through card play.
“This game is suited for ages 10 and up, and the game isn’t long, about 45 minutes in length.”
Cousineau said you can pledge any amount on the crowdfunding platform, but if you pledge $65 or more, you will get a free game.
“The manufacturing is expected to be done by this summer, then you will get a game mailed to you.”