Northern Ontario

Family dispute leads to damaged vehicle, threats in Elliot Lake


An Ontario Provincial Police cruiser is pictured with lights flashing. (Source: OPP/X)

A family dispute erupted in Elliot Lake on Tuesday afternoon, ending with a damaged vehicle in a driveway and impaired driving charges.

Ontario Provincial Police responded around 1:45 p.m. to the incident, which took place on Washington Crescent in the community.

"The complainant reported being threatened by a family member," police said in a news release Wednesday.

"That member then smashed into the complainant's vehicle when departing in a green pickup truck. Police stopped the pickup truck a short time after on Hirshhorn Avenue."

Police spoke with the driver, whose "breath emanated a strong odour of alcoholic beverage and exhibited signs of impairment."

"The driver was irate and very belligerent, uncooperative with police and consequently arrested after refusing to comply with demands," the release said.

The 57-year-old suspect from Elliot Lake is charged with refusing to give a breath sample, assault, mischief under $5,000, uttering threats and driving a commercial vehicle with no licence.

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The accused is scheduled to appear before the Ontario Court of Justice in Elliot Lake on Sept. 12.

"The OPP remind motorists that no amount of alcohol or drug is acceptable to consume and drive," police said.

"Report impaired drivers" by dialing 911 or contacting the OPP at 1-888-310-1122.