After almost 90 years the Italian Club in Greater Sudbury community of Copper Cliff is closing its doors.
On Saturday it held a yard sale to clear out some its assets and many took time to reminisce and look back on the rich history of the club.
86-year-old Josie Apolloni visited the kitchen she cooked in for almost 25 years at the club. She said she has fond memories of the thousands of hours she spent there.
"People I work in the kitchen with super people and that was my life. We laugh we dance bare feet in the kitchen it was super," Apolloni.
Officials said the club is closing because of dwindling membership and volunteers.
"We had a great group of ladies who made out pastas that we actually sold to the market or had for our parties. And as Covid hit us like everywhere else they are not coming back to the club they are getting older," said club president Randy Desanti
The 8000 square foot building was built in 1953.
"85% of the money required to build the club came from members and it's unheard of," said Desanti.
The unique club is also home to a five pin automatic bowling alley.
The large ball room has seen tens of thousands of people pass through over the years for special occasions.
"This club that has served us so well for such a long time,” said club treasurer Glenn Yurich.
“The New Years dances, the spaghetti suppers the luncheons all of it were enjoyed by so so many. All the weddings that took place."
Officials confirmed the building is currently on the market for almost $675,000 and there has been some interest. Offers will be opened on Oct 28.