The Walden Day Care Centre in Lively hosts a farmers markets every Thursday as a way to bring in money for new playground equipment at the centre.
All food being sold is from a farm in Massey.
The outdoor farmers market at the Walden Day Care Centre began seven years ago.
“We were looking to do the holistic and nutritious approach to our food and so we were looking for new sources," said Mary Lou Coffey of the daycare.
"I connected with a group of Mennonites from Massey, farmers that were growing real food. Then we got talking about a farmers market, one thing led to another and here we are."
A variety of fresh veggies, fruits, baked goods are on display, as well as a variety of local meat that's available all year long.
“The meat that is also coming from these local farms that are hormone-free, and eggs, veggies, potatoes, anything that’s in season,” said Coffey.
“So, right now today, we have 25 romaine and huge containers of cherries that we’ll put into smaller containers and sell, and just every fruit and veggie that you would see growing in Ontario. What we don’t sell, we eat, so it doesn’t get any better than that.”
Shoppers said they look forward to the market every week.
“My kids love it, so we like to get the baked goods and the fruits and vegetables. We picked cucumbers, cinnamon buns is a favourite, carrots and every week they change it up so we always get to get some new stuff every week,” said one shopper.
The daycare said the money raised helps purchase outdoor equipment for the centre. Recently, it was able to create a new play area for the kids.
“A big part of it went to the playground that’s behind me here that used to be a retaining wall," said Coffey.
"We took it out and it’s just an amazing area for our senior toddlers, and basically what we do is keep the funds and put it towards a significant project going forward."
The market runs 2:30-5:30 p.m. every Thursday until the last Thursday before Thanksgiving.