Northern Ontario

Charging electric vehicles in the Sault is about to get a lot easier


Sault utility makes it easier to charge EVs The PUC in the Sault is making it easier to use an EV. The utility is the first in the north to offer in-home rentals of EV chargers.

PUC Services in Sault Ste. Marie is launching a program for electric vehicle owners, allowing them to rent chargers from the utility.

“This is the first program of its kind in northern Ontario that offers an at-home solution for people who are interested in charging their electric vehicles,” said PUC's Katie Elliott.

Until now, EV owners had to choose between charging stations around town, or permanent at-home chargers that can cost thousands of dollars.

The new rental program charges $35 a month, with a licensed electrician involved in the setup.

It can be done as quickly as a week after signing up, Elliott said.

“We heard from a lot of our customers that they’re interested in driving an electric vehicle, but they’re looking for more information on charging, they’re looking for convenient, affordable ways to charge their electric vehicle,” she said.

A recent report by the Northern Policy Institute shows there is some hesitation from northern residents about going electric.

NPI Founder and president Charles Cirtwill said the data on new vehicle registration last year is telling.

“The numbers are pretty bad," Cirtwill said.

"So for Canada in 2019, we’re about three per cent. Now in 2021, we’re about five per cent, so that’s Canada as a whole. Here in Ontario, it was 3.2, and in northern Ontario it was 2.2.”

For now, the Sault is the only northern city with an EV charger rental program, but Cirtwill expects that to change.

“There’s no question in my mind that utilities are going to have to address the demand," he said.

"Most of these cars come with the adapters that allow you to charge or plug in to a regular grid, so the demand is going to come whether the utilities are enthusiastic about it or not.”

The PUC is buying in to the electric future of driving in more ways than just the new program. It's also electrifying its own fleet, with three electric vehicles on the road and another eight on order.

It is also installing 22 EV chargers at its facilities throughout the Sault.